Saying “Sorry” – How To Turn Rejection Into More Sales
The individuals that apply for employment at your company are not only employment candidates, but are frequently also your customers! Or, their friends, parents, and relatives are customers.
For this reason, and a host of others, when staffing your retail store, it is important to remember that candidates that are not hired (whether they were interviewed or not) deserve courtesy and respect.
You should always send a “sorry” letter, or postcard, or make a quick phone call to everyone that took the time to fill out an application but wasn’t hired to be your retail employee. It’s polite, it’s good customer service, and it’s good marketing. If you’re not sure how to change a turn-down into a business-builder, read on!
We recently got an e-mail from a client who purchased the $27 Solution, “How To Write A Red-Hot Help Wanted Ad”. She loved the ad she wrote using our method, but it did create a stressful situation which, to Bob’s eagle-eye for marketing, was also an opportunity! We wanted to share her problem – and a solution – with you.
Here’s her email to us:
Bob and Susan,
I am struggling with the idea of actually thanking you for your help. You see, I purchased your “How To Write a Red-Hot Help Wanted Ad” and it really worked.
I AM NOW SORTING THROUGH APPROXIMATELY 120 APPLICATIONS, many of whom seem qualified. In fact, most of the people we have interviewed so far have been great possibilities. Many people have commented on the ad. A few have even called it the best they have seen as far as knowing just what we offer and desire in our employee.
So… OK…Thanks for such great advice.
Now, here’s the problem your great advice has caused me. Because we are in a small community and all of these applicants are our potential customers, I must contact all of them one way or the other out of courtesy and develop good will.
Any ideas?
Thanks again,
~Karen H., Batora Daisy Dell Farm and Market
Here’s Bob’s response:
Way to go, Karen!!
You must have written a RED-HOT help wanted ad!
These are the kind of problems you always wanted to have when staffing a retail store.
I would do a couple of things to parlay your “problem” into a great marketing opportunity.
It goes without saying that you should send everyone you don’t hire to be your retail employee a “sorry letter” thanking them for applying. You’ll find a sample attached. I’d also enclose a five dollar gift certificate as a way of thanking them for taking the time to apply. Remember, lots of your applicants are probably customers or people who would like to be your customer. Encourage them to come in and spend! Keep track of the average sale from the redeemed gift certificates and I’ll bet you a nickel you’ll end up paying for the price of your help wanted ad many, many times over. Plus, you’ll get all those customers in your store one more time.
Keep the names of all the people you’d like to hire, but can’t. Put them in a “hot prospects” file so when you need a new person in the future you can call them first. You may save the time and expense of starting the help wanted process all over again.
Thanks again!
The Red-Hot Help Wanted Ad is just one of the multitude of tools available in the Retail Mastery System, get yours today.
Wishing you great sales and lots of fun,

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