Tip #454 – Make It Easy And Inexpensive
Dear Tip of the Weeker,
This retail training tip comes from one of WhizBang! Retail Training’s own beloved customers, Shanda at The Paisley Farmhouse in Milton, GA. Shanda shared a simple, powerful, and easy-to-implement tip that allows you to personally thank your customers for their business, while still maintaining low costs at the same time.
Make It Easy & Inexpensive
“Hi Bob,
I have a tip to speed up and lower the cost of the hand-written “thank you” notes you taught me about in the Retail Mastery System.
First of all, we have really beefed up the content of our e-newsletters by adding tips, projects, community news, and interesting stories. We now get lots of compliments about how much people are enjoying them and how they are telling others to sign up. Needless to say our contact list is growing pretty fast! We are writing thank you notes to all the new people who sign up, but the postage costs were getting scary on a monthly basis. So here’s my tip…
Postcards are super cheap to get printed and much cheaper to mail. It almost cuts our thank you card costs in half! AND it is very quick and easy to grab a postcard (which is also a $5 gift certificate) and write a little note on the back. DONE! It cuts my time spent on it in half too.
Thanks for everything you’re teaching! We feel strong!”
Great idea, Shanda. I’m all for making it easy and inexpensive. Whether it’s a postcard or a folded note card in an envelope, I’m sure your customers are thrilled to get that personal thank you.
Wishing you great sales and lots of fun,

Want more money saving tips for your retail store? Here’s another WhizBang! Retail Training article on how to save money and increase the energy efficiency of your retail store…all while saving the environment at the same time. Click the “Read The Article” button below to go check it out!
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